On the Hunt of the Next Generation of Antimicrobial Agents  09/12/2021

The Thematic Meeting "On the Hunt for Next Generation of Antimicrobial Agents" is co-organized by the Société de Chimie Thérapeutique (SCT), the Societé Française de Microbiologie (SFM). It highlights the work of teams that are innovating to fight antimicrobial resistance. The main objective is to create and stimulate interactions between medicinal chemists and
microbiologists interested in truly innovative antimicrobial molecules.

  • Organizing committee: N. Willand (M2SV U1177, SmartLab and SCT), A. Baulard (CNRS, Lille and SFM), M. Gitzinger (BeamAlliance)
  • Sponsors: Institut Pasteur de Lille, Université de Lille, Oxeltis, Incate, PharmaceuticalsMDPI
  • Location : Online and Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille France.